Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice - Anti-ghostwriting  procedure and plagiarism detection policy

The editorial board of the conference proceedings Contemporary Issues in Economy implements anti-ghostwriting  procedure and strict plagiarism detection policy. In case of Contemporary Issues in Economy CrossCheck is powered by iThenticate.

Anti-ghostwriting  procedure: the editors consider the “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship” as a sign of very serious scientific misconduct. All the detected cases of the “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship”  will be exposed, including notification of relevant institutions. As a result, the publisher of the conference proceedings Contemporary Issues in Economy has introduced procedures to address the phenomena of “ghostwriting” and “guest au-thorship”. All the authors must fulfill and sign the declaration concerning “ghost-writing” and “guest authorship”. The definitions of “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship” by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education is available  at the web-site of the Ministry.

Information for authors

We invite all individuals involved in research in Poland, as well as economists from foreign scientific centers to cooperate with us. All the works sent to us are verified by the Scientific Council and after preliminary qualification shall be forwarded for anonymous evaluation by independent reviewers.

  • In Contemporary Issues in Economy, only articles in English are published. Only the articles with a high quality of English language will be qualified for reviewing and final publication process.

  • Only the works published for the first time appear in our conference proceedings.

  • The article, together with literature and abstracts, must have the maximum lenghts of 21 thousand charactes with spaces.

  • Title references to any material that has been provided by a previous authors, or been published in another source should be set in harmonization with Harvard norms – APA styles (American Psychological Association 6th edition). The article must fulfill all the formatting and editorial criteria that are available in formatting template at our web-site in download section. The articles should be prepared in the formatting template.

  • The condition for forwarding the text for the reviewing process is an absolute compliance with the editorial requirements. The evaluation form is available for download in the download section.

  • Manuscripts should be submitted via e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. With the electronic version of the text all graphs, figures and drawings in editing form with the original files such as Excel, must be submitted. The formal condition for starting the evaluation and publication process is submission of signed and scanned article submission card in a PDF file. The article submission card is available in the download section. The article submission card contains the statement of transfer of copyrights/related rights.

  • Unsolicited materials will not be returned.

  • The author, after the decision of editorial board (the first stage of evaluation process, which usually takes about two weeks), receives electronic information about acceptance of the paper and its transfer to the reviewers.

  • After receiving the reviews of the article, the author is obliged to send the response to the reviews in an electronic form, with the revised text taking into account the suggestions of the reviewers. The response to the reviews card is available in the download section. In the response to the review the author must answer to all the problems and suggestion indicated by the reviewer. The author must indicate all the changes that were made in the final version of the paper with precise location of these changes (number of page and paragraph of the manuscript). The final version of the article should be submitted electronically at the email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The deadline for the implementation of the author's corrections is a maximum of two weeks. Failure to meet the deadline may result in delayed publication of the article.